POINTR-2M | Mobile Enforcement

"Mobile version of electronic enforcement"

POINTR-2M is used to detect situations such as parking, emergency lane violations, stops that adversely affect the normal flow of traffic, to prevent possible accidents and to ensure road safety by controlling corridors and intersections through moving cameras.

System communicates with the ANPR Central Software via FTP and delivers all detected vehicle number plates, types, brands, colors combined with world coordinate to the central software, which allows centralized access and management of the collected information.

System Components

Two IP Cameras with Enclosures

Cameras locate on the right side of the vehicle. One looking front and other one is positioned to look at rear. This system targets to detect vehicle number plates, types and colors.


It is a special box for mobile systems. Resistant to vibration. Contains processor units with power units. Power units are being used to energize hardware. Extra backup batteries are needed to prevent equipment from instant power losses.

Panel PC

It shows the recent detected plates to the operator with real-time camera video streams. Operator can arrange the mode of operation of the system via panel PC.

Features of POINTR-2M

Full compatibility with the General Directorate of Security Plate Recognition and EES filing, database table and column standards

Automatic additional information request from POLNET vehicle enquiry service

HTML/HTML5 web interface

Detailed archive enquiry and reporting

Obtaining additional information of the violating vehicle from the automatic licence plate control service

Adding the issued fine receipts to the General Directorate of Security system via the licence plate control service

Storage of fine receipts in PDF format

To be able to make time planning for weekly and monthly EES violation detections

Our Featured References

Related Solutions


Red Light Enforcement


Speed Corridor Enforcement


Parking Enforcement


Emergency Lane Enforcement


Overheight Vehicle Detection

Number Plate


PTV Technical Support

You can send an email to ptvsupport@issd.com.tr for all your support requests.

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