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Konum: Konya and Eskişehir

Müşteri: Konya Metropolitan Municipality and Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality

Sektör: Urban, Public

Kullanılan Uzmanlıklar: Macro Transportation Modeling

Proje Seviyesi: Region

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Konya and Eskişehir

The objective of these projects are to develop a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan that addresses the mobility needs of individuals and institutions, aiming to provide a better quality of life. Within this scope:

  • Preparation of a transportation model and conducting SWOT analysis for analyzing the current state and providing a foundation for alternative projects by incorporating current data and planned projects,
  • Development of transportation policies aimed at increasing the use of sustainable modes of transportation (such as walking, cycling, and public transportation) and minimizing private vehicle usage,
  • Identification of the current state of air and noise pollution through emission analysis, and the development of policies aimed at reducing these values,
  • The promotion of alternative transportation modes that reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy sources,
  • Establishment of an accessible transportation system for everyone through stakeholder engagement and contribution,
  • Prioritization of safety through recommendations for enhancing traffic safety has been proposed.

Project components within the scope of this study:

  • Building the road network
  • Establishment of an integrated transport system
  • Defining road and railway public transportation data to the model
  • Calibration and validation
  • Fieldwork and technical reporting