Directorate of Highways – 13th Regional Directorate Intelligent Transportation Systems Consultancy Project

Consultancy services were provided in order to determine the system requirements of the ITS corridors planned to be established in the Antalya-Tekirova, Antalya-Sandıklı, Antalya-Gazipaşa highway corridors within the borders of the 13th Regional Directorate of Highways of the Republic of Turkey, to ensure the standardization of these systems by gathering them under a single platform,…

Preparation of ITS Master Plan for City of Erzurum

Erzurum ili için stratejik bir AUS master planı hazırlamayı amaçlayan bu projede mevcut AUS uygulamaları değerlendirilmiş; trafik verisi analizleri, saha gözlemi ve teknik inceleme ile AUS uygulamalarına dair ihtiyaç analizi ve önceliklendirmesi yapılarak bir stratejik eylem planı ortaya konmuştur. Proje kapsamında yapılan çalışmalar şunlardır: AUS için en son teknolojinin gözden geçirilmesi AUS uygulamaları için strateji…

Traffic Impact Assessment and In-campus Traffic Circulation Analysis for Industrial Facility

In this project, the effect of the expansion project of the industrial facility on the transportation network inside and around the factory campus was examined. The first phase of the project was focused on the possible congestions at the existing campus transportation network with forecasted traffic. Then, the second phase of the work was focused…

Preparation of Intersection, Roadway and Traffic Design Projects on Cengiz Topel Avenue

Intersection, road and traffic regulation studies were carried out at the intersections of Sahil Yolu Babil (signalized), Onur Sitesi (signalized), Viranşehir (signalized) and Yağmur Market (non-signalized) on Cengiz Topel Avenue located in Mersin city center, and geometric design change proposals were made in the light of simulations and analyses made at the intersection and corridor…

Preparation of Traffic Counts, Preliminary Design and Simulation Models for Roads and Intersections on the Çobançeşme-Haramidere Route on D100 Highway

The problems of the approximately 15 km long highway corridor between the Haramidere and Çobançeşme intersections of the D100 Highway, which is within the responsibility area of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, have been identified from a transportation perspective and solutions have been proposed. In this context, factors and locations affecting the road capacity of the…