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Location: Ankara

Client: Astaldi Turkerler JV

Sector: Health

Expertise Used: Design&Planning, Analysis, Macro Transportation Modeling

Ankara Etlik City Hospital Traffic and Road Safety Assessment

This project was carried out to identify and solve traffic and road safety problems in Ankara Etlik City Hospital Campus. Within the scope of the project, the current traffic situation and road usage were analyzed, vehicle counts were made at 4 main entrance gates, accident data were evaluated according to certain time periods on the campus and accident black spots were determined, and a joint evaluation of speed, road usage and road design conditions was made using GPS data collected by private vehicles on the roads within the campus. Based on the collected data, one-way decisions to be implemented on the campus were analysed in macro simulation software VISUM. As a result of the notes taken during the field visits, the photographs and video recordings taken and evaluated, the traffic safety problems on the AECH Campus were systematically classified and the problems identified regionally and pointwise throughout the campus were documented with detailed visuals.

The studies carried out in this context are as follows:

  • Current situation assessment and analyses
  • Accident analysis
  • Evaluation of one-way scenario
  • Proposals to improve traffic safety
  • Presentation and reporting