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Konum: Turkey

Müşteri: The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure

Sektör: Intercity, Public

National Transport Master Plan of the Republic of Turkey

National Transportation Demand Forecast Model, which processes and evaluates a series of complex mathematical formulation processes, has been developed within the PTV Visum software in order to analyze and compare the current and future supply and demand in the field of road, rail, air, maritime and inland waterway passenger and freight transportation in a holistic way in terms of economic, social and technical terms. Based on this model, demand forecasts for freight and passenger transportation in future years have been prepared using macro indicators such as GDP, vehicle ownership, economic growth, and inflation. Project components within the scope of this study:

  • Building the road network
  • Establishment of an integrated transport system
  • Defining road and railway public transportation data to the model
  • Four-step travel demand model
  • Calibration and validation
  • Establishing the infrastructure of target year projects
  • Technical reporting and workshop